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Summary of the 2023 - Summary of the 2023 - Summary of the 2023 - Summary of the 2023 - Summary of the 2023


Once again, it’s time for summaries, and we take a look back at our twenty-third year, where the tone was set by several collaborative projects, a variety of web solutions of different scales, and a multitude of diverse online graphics.

Visual Identity

Kohtla-Järve City

Months of negotiations and changing plans concluded with the darkening autumn evenings of October when Kohtla-Järve, a city with a peculiar layout and settlement, received a refreshed visual identity.

The desire that originated from the digitized coat of arms resulted in a complete visual overhaul, introducing a coat of arms logo and a wordmark. Accompanying these changes is a comprehensive and flexible color palette, graphic logic, and typography supporting bilingual information dissemination.

Look closer – Visual Identity of the City of Kohtla-Järve

Websites and environments

EIS main site

A small additional task for the Estonian Internet Foundation, the impact of which manifested in the year-long visual refresh of the Auction Environment. We improved the user experience of the foundation’s website and streamlined the user journey, primarily focusing on the structure of the homepage.

The updated user interface maintains a consistent style across the foundation’s online environments and serves as the foundation for the mentioned auction environment in terms of its user logic.

From us: Design and development (Voog)

EIS Auctions

Also, one of the mammoths of this year, whose focus and scope varied greatly from month to month but nevertheless kept us busy for almost the entire year. The auction environment, developed as a special edition with nearly forty different views, allows users to bid on quarantined .ee domains in blind, open, or English auction formats.

From us: Design and development (HTML)

Virumaa Museums

A notable feature of the project was its complex starting point, where eight distinct museums were placed under one unified roof.

The visual identity envisioned a unique color palette for each museum, with specific color transitions in image areas. Additionally, differentiating news, events, and contacts according to each museum posed a challenge for our development team, engaging them for several months.

From us: Design and development (WordPress), visual identity Identity.

Visit site:

Virumaa Museums (Virtual Exhibitions)

A small additional project attached to a larger mammoth, with the aim of displaying various virtual exhibitions managed by Virumaa Museums in one environment.

The goal of the visual identity was to be more subtle while maintaining familiar elements with the main website of Virumaa Museums.

From us: Design and development (WordPress).

Visit site:


The Estonian Fund for Nature, which has acquired a pleasant and free visual identity, gained new life this year with our help and Fraktal. The website now provides visitors with a wealth of important nature information, packaged in an easily readable and friendly format.

From us: Development (Voog), design Fraktal.

Visit site:


Not all websites are large, but their impact can be significant. This holds true for AlexandraFilm’s website, created by Marianne Ostrat – the producer of this year’s most famous documentary film, “Savvusanna Sõsarad” (Smoke Sauna Sisterhood).

From us: Design and development (WordPress)

Visit site:

Medita Clinic

Medita has been with us for over ten years, and we crafted their previous website in 2014. After nine years of diligent service, the site needed a refresh while preserving its visual essence and values rooted in visual appeal.

From us: Design and development (Voog)

Visit site:


Professional Estonian-language Teacher in Russian-language Classroom

Research reports for professional educators are a crucial step in understanding teachers’ performance in schools. Two reports that landed on our desk focused on Estonian-speaking teachers in Russian-language classrooms. The research posed honest and straightforward questions, and we, in turn, shaped them into readable and understandable reports. From our side, this involved layout, design, and data visualization.

Client: Tallinna Ülikool, project is supported by Estonian Ministry of Education and Research.


Bon Vegan Amazoni listings

While we generally haven’t showcased projects falling under social media or specific visual production for e-commerce, the number of requests for Amazon listings increased significantly this year. Here’s an example from Bon Vegan, where solutions were developed for both product descriptions and A+ listings for five products and the entire series.

Amazon’s popularity among our manufacturing clients has risen rapidly in recent years, leading to a growing demand for thoughtful Amazon strategies and visuals.

BDA Consulting Master Classes

From the field of social media, we highlight this year’s masterclasses initiated by Enterprise Estonia (EAS), brought to our companies through local training institutions. The visual advantage lies in thoughtful layout, clear messaging, and, of course, high-quality content, as affirmed by the participants who have benefited from the training.

Our examples include posts from the 2023 Design Masterclass by BDA Consulting, the Leaders’ Mentor Program, and the Tourism Strategy Program.

Space Protein

Space Protein is a series of energy bars originating from Slovakia, brought to Estonia by M&V Trade.

With the introduction of this new brand, our table saw several campaigns that reached newspapers, magazines, social media, and featured a promotional clip in the Rally Estonia studio, creating a lively atmosphere and generating interest among followers. Additionally, various visuals were created to support the launch and adoption of the bar series in the market.


Öökapp / Nightstand

Öökapp took its inspiration from a visit to the Estonian Museum of Applied Art and Design, where we discovered Erika Nõva’s (1905 – 1987) competition entry “Unity” for a life and bedroom, along with handwritten explanations by the architect on her designs.

We added the entire Estonian alphabet and numbers. Currently, we are working on the Cyrillic alphabet, as well as a variety of symbols and icons.